
Shipping and Delivery Policy for a Digital Marketing Company in India

  1. Introduction
    This Shipping and Delivery Policy outlines the terms and conditions for the delivery of digital marketing services provided by Shinerush, a digital marketing company based in India. This policy is designed to ensure clarity and transparency regarding our service delivery process.
  2. Service Delivery
    Since our services are digital and delivered electronically, there is no physical shipping involved. This policy focuses on the delivery timelines and methods for our digital services.
  3. Scope of Services
    Our digital marketing services include, but are not limited to:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)
Web Development
Graphic Design

  1. Delivery Method
    All services are delivered through electronic means, including:

File sharing services (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox)
Direct upload to client’s website or social media accounts (as applicable)

  1. Delivery Timeline
    The delivery timeline for each service varies depending on the complexity and scope of the project. Estimated timelines are provided in the service agreement or proposal. Typical delivery times are as follows:

SEO Services: Initial audit and strategy report within 2 weeks; ongoing updates monthly.
Content Marketing: Blog posts, articles, and other content typically delivered within 1-2 weeks after approval of topics.
Social Media Marketing: Monthly content calendars delivered at the beginning of each month.
PPC Campaigns: Initial setup and launch within 1 week; ongoing management reports monthly.
Web Development: Depends on the project scope, typically ranging from 4-12 weeks.
Graphic Design: Initial concepts within 1 week; revisions within 3 days of request.

  1. Delays
    While we strive to adhere to the agreed timelines, delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances such as:

Client’s delay in providing necessary information or approvals.
Technical issues beyond our control.
Changes in project scope or additional requests by the client.
In case of any anticipated delays, we will notify the client promptly and provide a revised timeline.

  1. Client Responsibilities
    To ensure timely delivery of services, clients are responsible for:

Providing all necessary information and access required for the execution of the services.
Timely review and approval of deliverables.
Prompt communication in case of any changes or issues.

  1. Acceptance of Deliverables
    Deliverables are deemed accepted by the client if no written notice of rejection specifying the reasons is received within 5 business days of delivery. Rejected deliverables will be revised and resubmitted within a mutually agreed timeframe.
  2. Revisions and Modifications
    Reasonable revisions are included as part of the service agreement. Excessive revisions or significant changes in scope may incur additional charges and affect delivery timelines.
  3. Cancellation and Refunds
    Please refer to our Cancellation and Refund Policy for details on how cancellations and refunds are handled.
  4. Contact Information
    For any questions or concerns regarding our Shipping and Delivery Policy, please contact us at:


  1. Changes to this Policy
    We reserve the right to update or modify this policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website and will take effect immediately upon posting.

By engaging our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Shipping and Delivery Policy.


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